Well today was my last ride of the season. The trails this year were absolutely unbelievable! One of the reasons for the great trails was lack of traffic due to the entire state of Wisconsin having ridable trails for most of the winter. This spread out the traffic across the state and let the groomers keep the trails in excellent shape. Today I went riding with my buddy George from Houston, TX. Obviously the weather in Houston is a bit warmer than in the north woods, but he had a great time. At first he wasn’t so sure about leaving the 70 degree weather to go up into the woods and snow, but he really enjoyed himself. It was a great day for riding 29 degrees and overcast for most of the day. We took trail 6 East to trail 1 North towards Michigan. Everything on the Wisconsin side was pretty melted down with a bit of fresh snow on top. Once we crossed the state line into Michigan we were in snowmobile heaven! With nearly 99% coverage (very few bare spots) the trails were in great condition. I’ve seen days in mid season that didn’t have this nice of trails and snow coverage! The groomers did a fantastic job keeping the trails perfectly flat and filling in the sunny spots with fresh snow. We hooked up with trail 2 East and stopped in to Rogers bar for a Pizza. While there, we met Neal and Roger from http://northlanddock.com/ They invited us to their camp to take a tour and we saw a ton of deer on their land. If you are looking for a great place to stay, give Neal a ring at 715-356-4381 or 715-356-4102. After a short visit we hit the trails and took trail 2 West to trail 13 North. We rode trail 13 North to trail 100 West and jumped on the south end of Lake Gogebic.
After riding the length of the lake, we stopped in to timberline sports to pick up a spare belt, but they were closed. We decided to gas up and then find some food. After getting gas in Bergland, we headed back down the lake and stopped at the Gogebic Lodge to grab some food. We had a great dinner and then made our way back towards Presque Isle.
Even though I rode 1,000 less miles this season than last season, it was still a great year! I was able to introduce a few new people to the sport and I always enjoy that. Next year, our daughter will hopefully be on a 120 and learning to ride
Overall Trail Rating: 9 out of 10
Distance: 122
Previous: 1,887
Season Total: 2,009